Launched 'Bettra', a home medical device for airway clearance
Writer 최고관리자
Date 22-02-28 11:37
Read 5,468
Korust Co., Ltd., has launched “Bettra” a medical airway clearance device for home care. According to the company, Bettra was made based on the technology of 'CAREWAY', which is supplied to hospitals both domestically and internationally. CAREWAY is a high frequency chest wall oscillator (HFCWO), a medical device that removes lung secretions from patients in intensive care units or general wards, and has been introduced and supplied for over 10 years. As respiratory-related diseases such as COVID-19 increase and people become more aware about lung health, it is also a product that has dominated the market by word of mouth without special marketing.
In these days, when respiratory health is more important than ever, Bettra is a product designed to provide the general consumers what have been proven in hospitals for a long time.
The principle of Bettra’s operation is similar to that of CAREWAY. The high frequency air vibration waves produced by Bettra are transmitted through the chest wall of the user through the vest and into the lungs. Bettra a medical device that uses vibration waves of up to 20Hz to separate and discharge lung secretions such as fine dust, mucus, and sputum accumulated in the bronchioles and capillaries.
Although this product is not so familiar in Korea, it is a product that is already being used in daily life by the general public and patients with mild to moderate respiratory diseases such as COPD in other countries.
According to the official, “In particular, the ultrafine particles due to its small size have high penetration into the body, so it can be more dangerous not only for normal people, but also for smokers, asthmatics, and the patients with lung disease if left unattended for a long period of time. Keeping your lungs clean on a regular basis is a good way to keep your lungs healthy.”
Respiratory health is surely an important topic these days. It is good news that a new medical device for airway clearance is being introduced. Plus, it is made with the technology that has been introduced and supplied to domestic and foreign hospitals for over 10 years, the great effect is also expected.